May - June 2021 | CP Share

Use these CP Share resources to inform and equip your church on how their tithes and offerings make eternal impact through the Cooperative Program. Each week, you'll find a printable bulletin insert and slides you can share with your church representing local, state, national and international Cooperative Program mission work. 

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Connected Adoptions - Arkansas Baptist Children's Homes and Family Ministries

What a brave thing to do. To choose to hurt in order to make a plan that she felt was in her child’s best interest.
May 9, 2021

Julio & Carlena Gómez

There is a mission field right in front of us. And there is work to be done. This is what we want to awaken in others: not just to come to church, but to see everyone actively reaching the lost.
May 16, 2021

Cliff & Cinthy Case

God, what I can do, I can do anywhere. Just tell me where.
May 23, 2021

Camp Siloam

It seems as if we have been in “crisis mode” since straight-line winds tore through Camp Siloam in June 2019.
May 30, 2021

Adam & Millie Johnson

Tears welled up in Duyen’s eyes and streamed down her cheeks as she read aloud the story of the prodigal son.
June 6, 2021

Vision 2025 - Southern Baptist Convention

Vision 2025 is not a slogan or rallying cry. It’s a path forward o help us reimagine a new future together of reaching the world for Jesus Christ.
June 13, 2021

Josh Mayfield

The number of fathers in U.S. jails and prisons has increased four-fold since 1980.
June 20, 2021

Aaron & Angela Leggett

It is like we are speaking the same language, but using a completely different dictionary.
June 27, 2021