
SERVE LOCAL: Leadership Team Responsibilities



The Leadership Team will be responsible for all aspects of your Serve Local day, including:


  • Promoting and publicizing the day in both the church and community
  • Developing a church-wide Prayer Strategy
  • Identifying the community need(s) your church can meet and at least one ministry to meet each need. Your Serve Local day may include multiple ministries or one specific ministry. Find ideas here and here.
  • Securing a site location for each ministry
  • Developing a budget to adequately provide resources needed for each ministry. Costs will vary depending on the type of ministry provided, the number of people serving and served, as well as other factors.
  • Mobilizing church members to serve.
  • Assigning members to ministry teams. Due to COVID concerns, please consider forming smaller teams of 3-6 people with no more than 10-12. This may allow your church to serve in more locations or to rotate teams at fewer locations throughout the day.
  • Developing a list of safety guidelines.
  • Providing training to all members in the areas of safety procedures, social media promotion during the day, evangelism, and follow up.
  • Planning how your church will celebrate results, and
  • Evaluating your Serve Local day.